What is Success for Our Farm?

Success for our farm means creating a family home that fosters a sense of safety, well-being, health, nature, beauty, and belonging. It involves engaging with the land in a way that leaves it better than when we arrived, nourishing our whole being, and contributing positively to the ʻāina.

Success also means engaging with our community with respect, trust, and honoring those who have come before us while dedicating ourselves to those who will come after us. It involves surrounding ourselves with both form and function, creating beauty and functionality with everything we add to the ʻāina.

Whatever bounty the land offers reflects our passion for beauty and love, which we share generously. Our farm's profit never comes at the expense of these values; instead, it is a result of living by these values.

To quote Mark Nepo: “We are all en route... We are all making our way in this unstoppable migration in which the destination is no one place, but rather the quality of heart we finally reveal in each other’s presence."

Marty Mazzanti

Founder & Owner of Ocean Grace Farms


Discovering Cacao Genetics: Celebrating Diversity on Our Farm


Exciting Developments at Ocean Grace Farms